lol. This new guy failed pretty bad.

<hunt> How do you get VIP?
<siestacat> You buy it
<hunt> donate?
<siestacat> yes
<SonicHyuga> rofl
<siestacat> No, actually
<hunt> kk, thanks
<siestacat> WAIT
<siestacat> I forgot the ritual
<hunt> ?
<SonicHyuga> hold up your right hand
<siestacat> first, you must bow down to Charlie, our server operator
<SonicHyuga> CHARLIE
<siestacat> then, you must spin around 80 times, while puking (it don't count if ur not puking) and while you are puking, you must also be saying "SonicHyuga and Siestacat are the awesomeness"
<siestacat> you must repeat this proscess five times
<hunt> :P
<siestacat> THEN
<siestacat> you must kiss my dirty, rotten gym socks
<hunt> ****
<siestacat> After doing that, and only after, you will be able to start the actual ritual
<siestacat> which involves an army style obsticle course, more puking, lots of sucking up and kissing various nasty things of our choosings, and dying a few times
<siestacat> Then, and only then, you may try to hack an unhackble game to get the right to pay $20 for VIP
<siestacat> and thats how you get VIP
* hunt has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)