The drummer you originally posted was not even very good with the double bass. That's one of the key points of death metal drumming. I'm not entirely impressed with him. He is rather good, though.

Tony Royster Jr. is really just banging on that huge *** set. His beats are soooo simplistic. He has no high-hat, splash, or crash control whatsoever. He's nothing compared to the drummer I posted.

P.S. I've been a drummer my entire life. I've played shows with classic rock cover bands as well as popular local death metal bands.

Edit: Of course if you'd like a more in-depth comparison between the two, I'd be glad to do so. Tony is doing very simplistic beats across a wide array of drums (because he is lucky enough to own such a beast set). Shane, however, is on a much smaller scale set but his beats are far more complex. Perfect high-hat control makes his beats very easy to follow. Seemless snare triplets and flams down to the toms as well as seemless dome hits on any cymbol around without even glaring at it. Drumming perfection.