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Thread: Vash is gona get killed or raped

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    Default Vash is gona get killed or raped

    Let me start from the start, chances are ill add more as the night goes on.

    Ok WELL vash comes into ventrilo and says joe im scared
    so of course i ask why. he says i let my dog out and something ran into my bushes
    im like oh **** some one is gona but rape you, if i lived by you man id back you up with my rifles but i live like 5hours away, so vash is like o **** son i just found my pistol and im gona load it. anyways by this point vash needs a hug so i gave him one through this loving video
    after that me and him talk a little to get the rapist in his bushes off his mind
    then hes like Joe im texting my girl AND WHAT THE **** SO ****N RANDOM
    im like What, he says my ****n cell just lost service it was at full bars now its not
    im like o **** son they are pros you are gona get butt raped soo hard its not funny
    now vash is gona stay up all night just so he doest die in his sleep

    this is all that happed so far ill add more

    redskull: wathcing
    redskull: tv
    redskull: wats up
    Vash: hey sexy :)
    Vash: idk just got back
    Vash: seeing if you were still there
    redskull: im pissed the **** off
    redskull: my tv broke
    Vash: why
    Vash: oh that's gay
    redskull: so im watching
    redskull: psych
    redskull: on my comp
    Vash: lol dude i'm ****in scared
    redskull: its good tho cauyse i got surround sound and 22" wide scree
    redskull: lol why?
    Vash: i let my dog out right?
    redskull: ya
    Vash: he's acting all weird, growling and ****
    redskull: rofl
    Vash: so i look outside and something/someone goes in the bushes
    Vash: so i call my dog back in
    redskull: wow
    Vash: like 15 minutes later i get a call on my cell from restricted
    Vash: they're like...what are you wearing?
    Vash: so i just hung up
    redskull: rofl
    Vash: i'm ****in creeped out
    redskull: thats just ****ed up
    redskull: dude
    redskull: if i was over their or lived close to u 
    redskull: no joke
    redskull: id come to ur house with my rifles
    redskull: amd rape that nigga
    Vash: lol
    Vash: lol i found my pistol and loaded that **** up
    Vash: it's sitting on my bed behind me
    redskull: hehe
    redskull: good
    redskull: hehe i got a Rambo knife
    redskull: also
    Vash: nice
    Vash: anyway
    Vash: before i die
    redskull: =D
    Vash: i'm gonna start working on my little html idea
    redskull: lol
    redskull: ok
    redskull: ima b wathcing
    Vash: i might upload my ****ing source incase i get ****in shot tonight lol
    Vash: you can continue the legacy of vash ;)
    redskull: hahaha
    redskull: =D
    redskull: mmm
    Vash: yea?
    Vash: i think i'm just gonna stay up all night on here programming
    redskull: ok
    redskull: lol
    Vash: don't wanna die in my sleep lol
    redskull: perfect
    redskull: ill call that bitch en tell him
    Vash: got my gun on my lap, ready to blow some niggas head off
    redskull: to get outa ur bushes
    redskull: ****
    redskull: i gota go to my uncles house on sunday
    redskull: and he lives in stephentown
    redskull: like 5 hours away
    Vash: that's fun lol
    redskull: bah
    Vash: woo got my browser in delphi working
    Vash: now to do the editing ****
    redskull: anyways
    redskull: i got sumthing for u 
    redskull: =D
    Vash: yeah? what is it
    redskull: redskull
    redskull: yarightiamthatdumb
    redskull: bad *** site
    redskull: for good delhpi source
    Vash: lol nice
    Vash: lol it's nice to have a tiny browser like this
    Vash: none of the added bull**** or extra loading
    redskull: =SD
    Vash: hm?
    redskull: no mic?
    Vash: nah
    redskull: fag
    Vash: lol
    Vash: i'm busy defending my ****in life over here
    Vash: you can deal with no mic for tonight
    redskull: hahaha
    Vash: the good news is, while staying up all night i can get this whole project done
    redskull: rofl
    redskull: this to this
    redskull: i wonder
    redskull: wen this ****n
    redskull: new epidosde of psych is getting
    redskull: uploaded to hte internetz
    redskull: LOL
    redskull: vash need a huge?
    Vash: dude
    Vash: i was at the mall
    Vash: these kids were walking around giving out free high 5's
    Vash: i was like...sweet life
    redskull: lol i do that all teh time
    redskull: it scares most ppl
    Vash: what's ninja making?
    redskull: idk
    redskull: hes making a LAZER TAG MAP
    Vash: lol!
    Vash: sick
    redskull: lol
    redskull: look at this
    Vash: lazer tag mod would own
    redskull: rofl
    Vash: you've sent that to me before
    Vash: **** you
    redskull: lawl
    redskull: hehe
    redskull: erm
    redskull: lawl, the other night sum 1 wanted to watch me hack
    redskull: this place, so i did
    redskull: oh
    redskull: look at this sexy
    redskull: thing we should kinda do
    redskull: redskull
    redskull: likeiwasthatdumb
    Vash: what is it
    redskull: its a distrubted
    redskull: rainbow table generator
    redskull: its like the most
    redskull: amazing idea
    Vash: wtf is a rainbow table
    redskull: ur a noob
    Vash: guess so
    Vash: wtf is it
    redskull: like a big newb
    redskull: its wat
    redskull: a md5 cracker uses
    Vash: sorry
    Vash: i don't spend my days cracking md5 hashes
    redskull: rofl, im sry
    redskull: me neither >_>
    Vash: one would assume you do
    redskull: i had a lot of spare time wen i live with my mom
    Vash: as you know what a rainbow table iis
    Vash: is*
    redskull: and not kicking my step dads ***
    redskull: lived*
    redskull: every other day
    redskull: id either b on the computer
    redskull: or figthing my step dad with cops every where ...
    Vash: wow idk wtf is going on
    redskull: ?
    Vash: i'm texting my girlfriend telling her what's going on right?
    Vash: we're talking for like an hour or so
    redskull: rofl
    Vash: suddenly my cellphone loses signal
    redskull: ****
    Vash: like...i have 5 bars before
    Vash: now 0
    redskull: they are using a blocker
    redskull: dude
    redskull: whqat hte ****
    redskull: did u do
    redskull: piss off the feds?
    Vash: i'm getting ****ing *** owned
    Vash: idk what i did
    redskull: haha
    redskull: can u hear wat i say or know?
    redskull: no*
    Vash: yeah
    Vash: i can hear you
    redskull: ****
    redskull: ****
    Vash: lol
    redskull: oh
    redskull: so when is rev getting this ****
    Vash: wtf dude. i'm scared lol
    redskull: next week
    redskull: want a free hug?
    Vash: yes plx
    redskull: thats waht gfs are for
    redskull: and ur mommy
    redskull: =D
    Vash: wtf is that?
    redskull: idk
    redskull: ninjas
    redskull: hamichie
    redskull: id
    redskull: cause his ip is
    redskull: ****
    redskull: it didnt copy
    redskull: well it started with a 25
    redskull: 24*
    Vash: lol
    redskull: lol
    redskull: hehe u gota see hte post i just made
    Vash: now my gf's not answering her phone
    Vash: this is ****ed up dude
    Vash: i think ****'s going down and idk who i pissed off
    Vash: this is horror movie ****
    Last edited by redskull; 08-16-2008 at 12:29 AM.

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