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Thread: CS:S Hacking Kit (Memory and Mathacks)

  1. #1

    Default CS:S Hacking Kit (Memory and Mathacks)

    - GcfScape: Makes you look into the steam game files located in the .gcf files at the steamapps folder.

    - Context: is able to open up multiple shader files so you can edit all the shaders much quicker.

    - Free Hex Editor: You will be able to edit binairy code to change the crc32 of some hacks so you have your own hack with his own crc32 adrres. (to be extra safe) also you can look into binairy's of .exe's to look if it's a acocunt stealer or virus. ( it's nice to use this for quickly updating the adresses of a memoryhack)

    - VAC2 Dumper by organner (checks the crc32 of the VAC2 anti cheat module, when the crc32 has been changed VAC2 has been updated and you will risk a ban if you will cheat with old hacks.)

    - VTEX: conferts .vtf textures of the HL2 engine to .tga so you can color it and convert it right back.

    more will probebly come
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  2. #2


    - CRC32 checker: This can check the CRC32 of a .exe so you know if it realy is another version or update that authers claim it to be.

    - Cheat Engine 5.4: With this tool, you can scan memory adresses and tweak them, after tweaking i recommend you to make a .exe (trainer) when you want to use it online.
    For this visit:

    - Olly DBG With this tool, you can scan memory adresses and tweak them, after tweaking i recommend you to make a .exe (trainer) when you want to use it online.
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    Last edited by Skelletor22; 07-15-2008 at 09:27 AM.

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