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Thread: NDS Hacking Tools Collection

  1. #21


    is there a place i can download all of these individually? my computer won't let me do all of them at the same time from that link

  2. #22
    J.P. (Global Moderator) Maniac's Avatar
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    You need something that allows you to extract .rar files, something like winrar or 7zip

    Say what you mean, mean what you say, and let your actions speak for you.

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by ShinyPalkia View Post
    I know the problem, the DP .sdat can't be open. I tryed it with ACWW and it works. But now I have a few new questions.

    (Your Tut)
    1. - 7. are no problem, but I don't understand the rest.

    8. Copy the exact amount of bytes from the replacement .sseq that will overwrite the original .sseq. Then overwrite it in your Hex Editor. From there, keep your new creation open. Go back to your Sound_Data folder and find sound_data.smap. Open this in notepad or another simple program of your liking. Find the offset of the .sseq you're editing (it will be listed, don't worry).
    Why not replace the original .sseq with the new one and rename the new one?
    And there are many offsets, wich one do I must use?

    (I don't understand too the point 9.)
    Bluestacks TextNow VPN
    Could you give me an example pls?
    example about what ?
    Last edited by wahidovic; 01-06-2019 at 12:06 PM.

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