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  1. #1

    Red face Lol

    I knew the Banana tree and Bomb seeds were fake. lol! The n00bs on ACC actually believe theses things to be true.

    They PT me asking me if I can get them Banana trees with my AR. XD There was a thread where all these kiddies were posting about being afraid of the Bomb seed, and they were telling others to look at the video on YouTube.

    They're totally's a shame really.
    Last edited by Peach15; 07-16-2008 at 02:25 PM. Reason: Adding another sentance.

  2. #2
    Chris (Administrator) Vash's Avatar
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    I get hundreds of YouTube messages every week asking about these videos (Banana and Bomb Seed). It's quite pathetic. I'm thinking about taking them offline. They're getting to be annoying. At first it was funny seeing all the kiddies flip out over a banana tree but now it's just annoying. It's funny how 20 minutes of messing around in video editing turned into this huge fad.
    Animal Crossing: City Folk
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  3. #3


    Hundreds? Haha. That's what you get. j/k

  4. #4

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