Quote Originally Posted by Maniac
The code had some glitches and no longer works.
anyway i could be wrong since i can't test it with real ards and actual cartridge but i think the problem occur in this line

ldrh r2,[r0],#0x1
streqh r4,[r0]

first code is minor and can be ignore but it adds per byte not per half-word, im not sure if it cause a problem probably it wont

now the other line might give a problem .. because it writes on the new value of r0, since the first line gets the value and load it to r2 before it add +1 on r0

the solution i can think of is something like this

ldrh r2,[r0],#0x02
streqh r4,[r0,#0xFFFFFFFE]

in that format .. it will add r0 now with 2 but streqh will write on given offset which is, offset = r0-0x2, and won't affect the value of r0

anyway i could be wrong ..