ORR,you could totaly bypass that,and do this:

a fairly simple idea,which i belive should work,unless i misconcieved something.

okay,since the spaces function in a:
-start space value at beggining of first acre,procceed to end of acre,advance to downward row untill bottom of acre reached,procceed to adjacent acre of next collumn,when end of row reached,go to beggining acre of next row,etc-
fashion,you would have specific groups of spaces corrisponding to certian acres,so lets assume acre 4 is the house acre,and each acre contains 100 spots (or whatever the acutal value is),

what i'm thinking may work is:

wipe the map of everything,and then run:
"for all acres : if acre value is between <house acre1-3 value>,save at varible V,find exact acre value, then add ((Val V (which would be acre four,as thats our designated house acre) - 1)x100 + space compensation (diffrence between house acres,added depending on acre found) to the offset of (w/e the spaces start at ) and change value to (mansion hex) and what should happen is:

it skips the first three acres,then adds however many spaces untill the house "hot spot",and adds a house there.

you may even be able to bypass the acre check and just add a house in the center :P
now hopefully its not too long <_<