Hi. Can one of you genius's please make a code that only replaces what your standing on with the town hall?? I accidentally deleted it and when I start my game It works until I leave my house. then I can't move or anything. So I'm planning on using the co-ord mod and a code one of you guys can help me with to save my game.

I realize you guys are busy, and made things like the ds workshop to allow me to make the codes myself but I covered my town with roses,golden, which I also replaced my town hall with so I need this code. Please!! I beg of you!! You are the only reliable resources on the whole internet!! Also the reason I chose this thread was because at the beginning someone was trying to make a code similar to the real time edit. Now that we have the real time edit I need something exactly like that except you can put a predestined item in the code. I am sorry to cause this, please don't get upset.
And thank you guys so much!!