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Thread: Decimal-Hexadecimal Converter

  1. #1

    Default Decimal-Hexadecimal Converter

    I know there's currently already a converter for this on this forum, but here's a new and different one.

    Tool: Decimal-Hexadecimal Converter Version 1.01
    Creator(s): Demonic722 & ScytheOfUmbra
    Special Thanks: dragonboy269 & gbchaosmaster

    Version 1.00 Features:
    • Auto-Checks for illegal characters
    • Clears the whole text box if an illegal character is inputted
    • Instantly converts the current decimal or hexadecimal number
    Version 1.01 Features:
    • Version 1.01 should be slightly faster
    • Auto-Checks for illegal characters
    • Changed the "About" so it looks more organized
    • If an illegal character is typed it doesn't get submitted
    • Instantly converts the current decimal or hexadecimal number
    • Removed the message box that alerted whether or not an illegal character is typed
    • User inputs doesn't get erased/cleared like in Version 1.00 when an illegal character is typed

    Click to play video.

    Edit: Project Updated.
    Last edited by Demonic722; 10-23-2011 at 12:33 PM. Reason: Updated

  2. #2

    Default A challenger appears!

    What's a project without some competition?


    - Live number conversion
    - Decimal, hexadecimal, binary, octal
    - Choose between capital and lower case hexdecimal
    - Label turns red as long as an illegal character's key is held down

    Pump up your game, De n_n

    Testing yours now.
    Last edited by gbchaosmaster; 11-06-2011 at 03:25 PM. Reason: Update

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by gbchaosmaster View Post
    What's a project without some competition?

    Testing yours now.
    Tested. I like yours minus the fact that it can't take negative decimal value input. Also, I noticed some bugs.
    If you highlight a text box (with text already in it of course), and try overwriting it, the word highlights red and doesn't do anything.
    If you want to input more than 7 hexadecimal characters (since the NDS max is 8), you can't.

    Quote Originally Posted by gbchaosmaster View Post
    What's a project without some competition?
    Link: [redacted] (hold on, found a bug, fixing)

    - Live number conversion
    - Decimal, hexadecimal, binary, octal
    - Choose between capital and lower case hexdecimal
    - Label turns red as long as an illegal character's key is held down

    Pump up your game, De n_n

    Testing yours now.

    Well, yours is an all-round Number Converter. This converter is just for decimal and hexadecimal
    since it was intended to be used for NDS or other console hacking.
    Last edited by Demonic722; 10-16-2011 at 07:10 PM.

  4. #4


    Working on negative decimal input, that little '-' is proving to be pretty difficult to support. O_O
    In progress though.

    The highlighting... yeah, I noticed that. It only happens when the textbox is full and won't take any more letter input. It's because I check to see if any of them are full, and if they are, I deny any characters from being pressed but allow control characters, so you are able to highlight and backspace when it's full. I'll have to see if I can work around it.

    As far as the hex limits go... yeah, that binary box fills up pretty quick. A feature I'm working on is being able to disable the binary box so that you can afford more digits in the other numbers... maybe I'll add a menu for it.

    BTW, try resizing yours. :P

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by gbchaosmaster View Post
    Working on negative decimal input, that little '-' is proving to be pretty difficult to support. O_O
    In progress though.
    The '-' wasn't too hard. I used the KeyPress event you spoke of and allowed only numeric characters and '-' for the decimal box.
    Also, I noticed something else. You can input 7 1's, but you can't input 7 of any other numeric characters. It limits those to 6 for some reason.

  6. #6


    Yeah, 6 is the magic number that fills up the binary box, it has to do with converting such high bases (8, 10, and 16) to base-2, the digits add up. It's really just limiting the binary box to 23. Octal is a little lighter on the binary though, you can input 9 one's before binary flips out. Once you're able to disable binary, that will be resolved.

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