Quote Originally Posted by Xyneline View Post
I'd test your code, but my Action Replay is still going senile. I can try it, but I have a feeling it will freeze as soon as I type the prefix "zr." So, it's supposed to fill all of the slots with incremented items?
Yup, all slots are filled with the starting item hex in slot 1 then it increments by 1 or 4 from the previous hex in the previous slot to the next slot.

Quote Originally Posted by Xyneline View Post
If you put in 0 for Y, would it fill your slots with the same item? It sounds really handy!
It would seem that way but it doesn't. I've included a check for only 1 and 4 because 1 and 4 are the common increment offsets for items in AC:WW.
If Y==0, the code ends. Here's a snippet from the routine that does the check:
@check if the user typed 1 or 4
@and move a byte corresponding to the number typed
ldrb r2,[r1]
cmp r2,#0x31
beq $kipThis
blt Exit
cmp r2,#0x34
beq SkipThi$
blt Exit
bgt Exit
b Exit
So basically, if Y != 1 or Y != 4, the code ends and does nothing.