I was just wondering if anyone knew a nintendo ds homebrew app that actually allows you to browse the internet.
I've seen DSHobro but for some reason that doesn't seem to work.
I was just wondering if anyone knew a nintendo ds homebrew app that actually allows you to browse the internet.
I've seen DSHobro but for some reason that doesn't seem to work.
3DS Friend Code: 4699-6293-3106
This looks ok?
Download is on the right, page translates fine in Chrome
Remember to always click the thanks button of those who help you! It makes them feel wanted:↓
Thanks Area51_Hacker2, I downloaded it and will post results later. By any chance, do you know the kind of knowledge needed to make NDS Homebrew Apps? I've always wanted to create a few, but I never knew what was needed in order to make them.
Edit: According to wikipedia, "It is made using libnds and often using the libfat[1] FAT library."
Last edited by Demonic722; 04-11-2011 at 07:30 AM.
3DS Friend Code: 4699-6293-3106
They have a compiler for NDS if I remember correctly - I did some work briefly on Homebrew development but got bored of trying to make it work on different flash cards.
Remember to always click the thanks button of those who help you! It makes them feel wanted:↓
Someone has a guide... I read it a while back. Bushing... I don't know. It's not terribly hard if you know the needed language.
What I think you want is http://devkitpro.org/
This is basically the official "unofficial" devkit for nds that I think (most?) people use when making ds applications and homebrew, though I don't know for sure since I never entered that scene.
IIRC this guide should be somewhat helpful although I don't know if it was ever finished:
Lastly google seems to have a plethora of interesting examples, and I think there is a way to link the devkitpro tools to microsoft's C++ 2008 edition app so you can compile straight from within it.
Here is a (dated I think) tutorial to setting up everything with devKitPro and whatnot:
Lastly, on a somewhat related tangent, you should check out this awesome open-source nds homebrew game:
It's Portal (valve) but written for the NDS by some dude.
I haven't played it, and assume the source code is rather complex, but it is an interesting and cool game.
It's basically Portal coded for the DS.
I hope this helps somewhat xD
Good luck
I've also found this:
Seems to have a pretty thorough and extensive guide to coding with the NDS.
Whoops, just realized I bumped a super old thread XD
Sorry about that :P lol
Last edited by Drew956; 04-16-2014 at 12:01 AM.