... topic=2903

The original technical discussion topic. Dated March 22, 2007. JayFNG had been experimenting before this date and had videos of himself changing things into bells (not by search & replace but rather by knowing their exact location on the world map and modifying them via simpler codes) but DsPet actually figured out the Search and Replace method long before FNG released it. It was DsPet's code. Completely stolen. There is a link to DsPet's release topic in there as well.

Here's a direct quote from DsPet on the subject of JayFNG's "test" version:

FWIW/IMHO: The demo video looked like it was a fixed block fill, not an iterate and specific test.
If they did implement a test, they probably would have found the bug in the AR DS engine that make the code more complicated.

re: changing to bags of money/bells
FWIW: Going around your town and picking up bags of money/bells is just as tedious as plucking weeds. If you have an AR DS, there are quicker ways of making money ;->
EDIT: JP PM'd him on the subject and all he had to say was he made the code and it was pure coincidence that DsPet made an identical code before he released his. It doesn't matter anymore, really. Most people in the online hacking "scene" know who created it first.