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Thread: How not to hack animal crossing city folk lol check this out

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  1. #9


    Cool videos.

    re: Are they visible to other players on wifi?
    Unfortunately most of the graphics are only local to your one town (ie. they come from the game disc, not over the web). So for the really custom graphics (like the tripped out bus) visitors will not see any difference -- unless you burn them a special game disc.
    The non-graphical effects of the hacks *will* be seen by visitors. For example when your character walks over buildings or mountains, the visitor will see that effect in their version of your town -- ie. your character flying in the air, but with their town graphics.
    Similarly they will see the moved bus stop location. If they could take the bus, they would see it with their non-custom graphics.
    The exceptions (where graphics are sent from the hacked Wii town to the visitor town) are: NPC custom graphics (see NPC_Tool), DLC item graphics (see ITEM_Tool and family), town layout (ACToolkit town/acre editing layout of standard graphics) and custom patterns (see PattView).
    Semi-related topic:

    When you mix the different approaches and add your own custom graphics on top, you can come up with some interesting combinations.
    Good luck
    Last edited by DsPet; 11-03-2010 at 11:53 AM.

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