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Thread: Weird ACWW Address

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  1. #1


    A while back I was accidentally found a code that glitches the world graphics (Well the outside graphics)
    However, when I sent the code to Demonic it did not work for him.
    So I backed up my save game, and restarted and retested.
    It did not work.
    Reload savestate, and it worked. O_O

    If anyone could help me figure out how to make this a universal, not game-save specific, code that would be awesome. (Well, I guess that's off track from this thread so... A video, and I'll add the code later)'

    OH BTW, the video is sideways. Sorry XD
    I filmed it on my itouch.
    I'll edit this post and add the code later.


    Here it is,

    022A11D4 00000001

    (If one wants I could provide my gamesave so you could test it out yourself. I guess I could supply a memory dump too, but I already tried pointers and they didn't work..
    Maybe I messed up? Idk but still a cool code )
    Last edited by Drew956; 02-19-2011 at 11:55 AM.

  2. #2


    Hah, I remember you telling me about this code...and long time no see. :P
    3DS Friend Code: 4699-6293-3106

  3. #3


    That looks interesting, Drew. The code didn't work for me either, but I don't have AR max duo to back up my file to try yours.

    I found some weird addresses when I was just searching around with dragonboy's Text to AR code.

    The first one seems to control every music player in any house. I found it by looking around the main room's carpet and wall addresses (found by dragonboy, I think). I replaced the value with something like 1342, and K.K. Blues played in any house with a music player. However, I think this code also turned off background music in other places, so if you try it, you might not want to save with it.
    Music Player's Active Music?
    121E5774 0000XXXX
    (Replace XXXX with a K.K. song hex)
    Here are some stranger addresses. I'm not remotely sure what these do except they sometimes change the pitch and sound effects of the game (like selecting things in the pockets, emotion sounds, sometimes background music pitch).
    Pitch and miscellaneous sound effects-
    (I'll post the default values at the time I found them)
    2321E56A 000000C4
    2321E56B 000000E5
    2321E56C 00000000
    2321E56D 00000010 -I tried changing this to 0A and the pitch of sounds were different
    2321E56E 000000D4
    2321E56F 000000E5
    Last edited by Xyneline; 02-22-2011 at 06:57 PM.

  4. #4


    Hehehe. I've found that address before.

    Nope. That is not the music players current music,
    In my notes (or at least when I found that address) that is what music is currently "highlighted" in the cd player.

    According to my notes,

    021CAF140 is the song that is currently playing
    (as far as I can tell they are different. But idk for sure. They could be a combo I never tested it far.)

    Sooo... XD yeah.

    I'll post my useless code later XD
    (It's a code that enables or disables the little icon in the top right corner,
    the one for clicking and viewing your inventory)
    Last edited by Drew956; 02-21-2011 at 09:06 PM.

  5. #5


    I found that changing the value for the address 121E5774 0000XXXX to a song not in your player may mute the background music everywhere else. I changed the value to a song I didn't have in the music player list, then I went into my house, tried selecting a new song in the list - which has no effect - and finally the background music was muted in all other places. I think it goes back to normal if you replace the value with FFF1 for nothing selected. When I did this with someone else in my house, I think it muted their background music too!

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Drew9561995 View Post
    I'll post my useless code later XD
    (It's a code that enables or disables the little icon in the top right corner,
    the one for clicking and viewing your inventory)
    Also made that code.
    Last edited by Demonic722; 07-12-2012 at 12:09 PM.
    3DS Friend Code: 4699-6293-3106

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