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Thread: Weird ACWW Address

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  1. #17


    A while back I was accidentally found a code that glitches the world graphics (Well the outside graphics)
    However, when I sent the code to Demonic it did not work for him.
    So I backed up my save game, and restarted and retested.
    It did not work.
    Reload savestate, and it worked. O_O

    If anyone could help me figure out how to make this a universal, not game-save specific, code that would be awesome. (Well, I guess that's off track from this thread so... A video, and I'll add the code later)'

    OH BTW, the video is sideways. Sorry XD
    I filmed it on my itouch.
    I'll edit this post and add the code later.


    Here it is,

    022A11D4 00000001

    (If one wants I could provide my gamesave so you could test it out yourself. I guess I could supply a memory dump too, but I already tried pointers and they didn't work..
    Maybe I messed up? Idk but still a cool code )
    Last edited by Drew956; 02-19-2011 at 11:55 AM.

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