Nintendo has been VERY careful about the images and videos they released for Brawl. They've all had the same characters, items, and stages so nothing new is revealed before they wanted it to be. Recently on the Japanese website they released a 5min. 30 second video describing how to play Brawl and the different modes in Brawl. What they forgot to edit out was one of the tiniest yet most revealing details in the video. During the sticker section of the video (4:20) in the bottom right corner were faces of the playable characters that could use these stickers. If you pause the video, who do you see? Ness, Lucario, and Jigglypuff. 3 unconfirmed characters, as it were at the Dojo. What did Nintendo do? They actually edited the video. That's right, you can go on the Japanese right now and you'll see an edited version of the video.



Go nintendo! rofl...