After more searching, I found out the zoom pointer also holds the x and y coordinate of the camera location.

Pointer: 022AEEB4
Address at pointer + #0xD4 for "camera level"
Address at pointer + #0xD8 for "camera zoom"
Address at pointer + #0xE8 for x coordinate of camera
Address at pointer + #0xF0 for y coordinate of camera
however, simply writing to the x or y coordinate doesn't move the camera very much. I'm guessing the game is loading from your own coordinate and storing it in there. Is there a way to stop the game from storing your player coordinates? If so, a full blown camera-modifier type code could be made :P

(I know this is the camera location, because at the game's title screen, on the "demo" that just shows the screen sliding with no animals, you can move the camera with this code, but if there is an animal there, the x/y coordinates follow the animal's x/y coordinates.)