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Thread: Save Game Extractor Question....

  1. #1

    Question Save Game Extractor Question....

    I'm trying to use ACToolkit which I downloaded, also downloaded SaveGame Extractor, and Save Game Install.

    On the README for SGE, instructions say "Run this application".. I find that a little vague, or maybe I'm just a noob. But do I run it on the PC, or do I copy those files to my SD card, then on my Wii I get INTO the SD and run from there? And after THAT is it that I put the game in and reset?? I could use some help with the instructions, because it's the first time I do this, and I find them confusing.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2


    Its ok, it is a noob question but hey, we all start somewhere. You run the application on the Wii itself so it extracts the gamesave onto your SD Card and then you put the SD card into your computer and go into the the directory on your SD labelled WIISAVES, and then click RUUE and RVFOREST.DAT file should be there and yours for the editing. I advise making a folder on your PC labeled backups just incase anything should go wrong with your edited town, you always have the back up file to restore. Once you are done editing your file, but the SD back into your Wii and load Save Game Installer, and then install the game save and then you have your newly edited town. Hope this helps

  3. #3

    Exclamation Got it, now...

    Thanks for the reply. Now, I read somewhere that I need the homebrew channel on the wii, in order to install the extractor and installer, how do I get that channel? And is that all I need then? So, to give you a rundown of what I believe the instructions are...

    1. Get homebrew channel on Wii.
    2. Download GSExtractor and GSInstaller (with SD card already in).
    3. Install both GSE & GSI
    4. Insert my game and reset the console
    5. Run the GSE?
    6. Go on to my computer to work with the Animal Crossing Toolkit & Save (Making sure I make a backup first)
    7. Insert SD back into Wii and run GSI.

    Is that all? Oh, and please remember to tell me how to get the Homebrew channel on Wii. I'm sorry I sound like a complete idiot, the whole Wii stuff is new to me. Thanks in advance!

  4. #4


    Take a look on this video tutorial that I found from youtube, and read the info/description box which shows all the links and downloads.
    I have not used all these linked files, so I could not say whether everything will work or not. And you need to be comfortable
    with all the steps, and there is a possibility that your Wii becomes bricked. Google to find out more about the risk
    and the steps.

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