> The .GCI file is exactly 467,008 bytes (0x72040 bytes)
> They look like they contain 3 copies of data, each 0x26000 bytes long (after the 0x40 byte header)
> First copy? starts at 0x00040, next copy at 0x26040, last copy at 0x4C040. The first copy has something weird about it.

I always just assumed the first 0x26000 bytes were for Resetti's uses (or travel uses), since it lacks a lot of info that the later two have (such as house data, player names, etc)

> NOTE: in AC:WW there are 2 copies of gamesave data. In AC:CF/Wii there is only one copy/version. The extra copies made sense because the gamesave data was on a cartridge that a user could easily unplug during save.

Don't get why they would think they would need three for the Gamecube version; No matter how they would save the data on it, it would only take two to make sure that either old data is preserved as a backup or that new data is saved correctly.

> I'll see if I can dig up some old notes on the format (very minimal). If interested, you may have to do a lot of trial-and-error to figure out item codes and terrain codes.

Thanks for the help, I've actually already found all the item codes, and have been working on the terrain codes as of late. I've also figured out where a lot of data is in the save, the only real problem I've had is the checksum.