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Thread: Master Sword with Sharp Pointed Tip (Teaser)

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Full Metal Kirby View Post
    If you were to add in support to export/import the models as a generic model format that a multitude of 3D programs can handle, it'd make creating good HDLC easier, as well as being a lot less complex than writing your own general 3D modeling tool. Though this has probably been suggested before, I missed the reason(s) of the why it couldn't/wouldn't be done.
    Awesome idea! That would be really cool. You would be able to get any 3D model and easily import it into the game.

  2. #12


    re: general 3D modelling
    FWIW: I offered something like that before, with MilkShape (a low cost 3D modelling tool), but nobody tried it
    (I used it for the spinning poke balls).

    Exporting it is relatively easy (the format is known enough to preview in LMT etc). Importing is the problem. There are many unknown things in the file format and recreating items from scratch makes the game crash. Also each 3D program does it slightly differently (that's why I picked one, MilkShape)
    Even the highly specialized SZS Modifier changes the game data in some extra ways.

    I think the world of DLC editing will remain simple tweeks to existing items. There are very few people interested in creating items (which is why I abandoned ItemTool/LMT).

  3. #13


    > There are many unknown things in the file format and recreating items from scratch makes the game crash.

    If you'd care to share the format for the file (both known and unknown), I'd be interested in trying to find the rest of the unknowns out.

    > I think the world of DLC editing will remain simple tweeks to existing items.

    While that is fine for the most part and most people, there's something I'm interested in making (have been for a while actually, but I've been pretty busy with things up until now) that would require complex editing (from scratch) and full knowledge of the format.

  4. #14
    J.P. (Global Moderator) Maniac's Avatar
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    May I suggest DsPet that you contact the creator of the szs modifier and maybe have help/suggestions from him?...

    Say what you mean, mean what you say, and let your actions speak for you.

  5. #15


    re: SZS Modifier and import/export
    AFAIK: SZS Modifier does the same thing as LMT and my other tools (unreleased). It can manipulate the polygons and the points, and remove ones not used - but it can't GROW the sections.
    In SZS Modifier, you can EXPORT a mesh, but the process of exporting it expands it so it can no longer be IMPORTed. That illustrates the general problem. These are not general 3D models. Many are designed to be very small by Nintendo.

  6. #16


    Ask Nintendo to give their software to you, that would be easier. -.-"
    No, joking. To the point, that Master Sword is really nice. Esspecialy with the Hero's Cap and Hero's Clothes.
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