>PattViewX? Never heard of it before this message. You aren't going to get a lot of donations if nobody has heard of it.

Serious users will see it on versions of PattView 2.0 or later. It is true the internet connection may be blocked, but we do have YouTube videos and a press release program that is helping spread the word. Our VIP system keeps the site running every month, so we're doing okay with it, thus far. The release isn't designed to make any profit, just to get donations and keep the site going. In that, I believe it will be successful. Afterall, Game-Hackers releases have always spread by word of mouth. No real advertising outside of our own site.

>ACToolkitX? Not unless Virus gives an endorsement and/or does the work.

The idea is to encourage Virus to program ACToolkitX. He's not interested, unfortunately If he doesn't want to make it, it won't be made. I'd never ask to take over his project. I wouldn't even be interested.

>VIP program?
I give you credit for a new style of selling stuff on the web. If you are making a lot of money on it, then more power to you.

See above

>If not I suggest more standard ways of making 'shareware' money on the web. If you think you can meet the higher expectations, then a full blown subscription/registration-code system may work better.

Always a possibility down the line...

>Programs that launch an Internet connection automatically (like PattView) or launch non standard web pages may be blocked by a firewall, which is a bad idea. If they decide later to send you money they can't easily.
FWIW: I've never installed the VIP tool. It is non standard and scary...

PattView requires an automatic internet connection for the paper preview feature (which you helped me create ). It also downloads the news banner at the bottom. If the connection is blocked, neither feature will work and that is really all. The 'Donate' button will still launch the web browser, regardless of firewall settings. The VIP Tool is just our way of putting all of our releases in one place for easy access and to help prevent leaks. It may seem non-standard, but it has worked very well thus far and I think we'll stick with it in the future.

Just my responses I appreciate the feedback, and I know more advertising is necessary to spread the word. I'm not interested in a full shareware release, just a VIP-exclusive that can stay right here at our site.