Well, some of my friends suggested this, and I think it MAY be possible

You know how the game stores buried items? Like, how it changes a 0 to a 1 if the item is buried?

I'm guessing the game stores "forbidden" spaces the same way
Like, you walk towards the river, and it stops you. The game must store this in memory somewhere, and it changes based on what acres you have, etc

If my guess is right, then you can modify it and make your own usable areas where guests can walk. That way they can't enter certain areas

I've noticed that all of these unusable spaces have a certain simple structure, like

it's either a straight line facing left right up or down, or a diagonal line facing that same direction. Never anything different.

I can make a routine that does the following:
First, you decide the unusable areas by placing a certain item down. Something very uncommon, maybe hex code 1DED
Then, a routine searches for those items, and each time it finds them it changes that area in memory to "blocked"

Or even better, I can make a routine very much like Real-time world edit, and you press a button to place a "forbidden" area under you