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Thread: HELP! how does regular town recognize guitar axe not lightsabers?

  1. #1

    Question HELP! how does regular town recognize guitar axe not lightsabers?

    Hi...I'm trying to give a friend a guitar axe when they previously had 2 lightsabers...they got rid of the lightsabers though, and I see the guitar axes in my hacked town and in their town when I hold them...

    How would I go about getting their town to recognize the guitar axe instead of the lightsabers when their town is not hacked?


  2. #2


    once you have the hdlc you will always have that. You will not be able to change it unless you restart your town.

  3. #3


    Wow, I did not know do all 4 characters in the town get stuck with the same 2 hdlc? Thanks so much for the fast reply!

  4. #4


    I'm pretty sure you can use the EZ DLC install tool to edit which HDLC the town has.

  5. #5
    J.P. (Global Moderator) Maniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pimpsahoy View Post
    I'm pretty sure you can use the EZ DLC install tool to edit which HDLC the town has.
    Thats only for your game... not others -.-

    Say what you mean, mean what you say, and let your actions speak for you.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Maniac View Post
    Thats only for your game... not others -.-
    Yeah I know.
    You would have to install the HBC on your friend's Wii and edit their savegame.

  7. #7


    > so do all 4 characters in the town get stuck with the same 2 hdlc?
    Yes, they are a global setting. It doesn't matter what is in pockets or in catalog bits. That's why the DimentioMsk HDLC item appears in Able's store sometimes.
    See OHDLC discussion here:

    As mentioned, non-hackers have the unrealistic option to restart their town (and then be sure to connect to your town first)
    Teach your friend how to WiiBrew (assuming they have a PC and SD card reader, it isn't that hard). This will fix his immediate problem, and let him explore the other cool gamesave tools like ACToolkit, PattView and NPC_Tool.

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