Quote Originally Posted by dragonboy269 View Post
Nice codes

here's in ASM (for the swap player one and player 2's inventory)

Press L+R to swap player 1 with player 2 (I need to learn regular code types >_>)

94000130 FCFF0000
023FF090 012FFF11
E0000000 00000026
E28F2001 E12FFF12
49064805 8803220E
80045A44 30025243
D5F83A01 00004770
021D88FE 0000228C
023FF090 E3520003
D2000000 00000000
@Convert to thumb
add r2,pc,#1            
bx r2

ldr r0,InventorySlot1
ldrh r1,Chardiff
mov r2,#0xE

ldrh r3,[r0]
ldrh r4,[r0,r1]
strh r4,[r0]
strh r3,[r0,r1]
add r0,#2
sub r2,#1
bpl Swap
bx lr

.long 0x21D88FE
.short 0x228C
Edit: May cause problems with just a normal activator because once it swaps once, it'll keep swapping back and forth until you release the button
and Boredum strike again xP