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Thread: Remaking Real Time world edit

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    Join Date
    Aug 2008
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    Default Remaking Real Time world edit

    Well, I'm remaking Real-time world edit so I can understand how it works
    I think I understand, but my source so far is nowhere near as neat as Toenailed's

    Here's what I have so far, this checks the space you're in (I just started a few minutes ago, so there might be errors and stuff like that

    If you think I'm on the right track, just say so XD (just say if I'm right or wrong, I wanna figure it out on my own so don't tell me what I should do)

    And yes I start all codes like this, I jump right in without planning anything and hope it works in the end XD

    Update: I got it to work (no dpad check just yet though) XD

    Tell me what you think Got it working on my second try (first time I accidentally put a lsr instead of a lsl, that's all that was wrong XD)

    add r2,pc,#1            
    bx r2
    ldr r1,CoordinatesPointer
    ldr r1,[r1]
    mov r2,#0xA9
    lsl r2,#3
    neg r2,r2
    ldr r3,[r1,r2]
    lsr r3,#0xC
    cmp r3,#0x20
    blt Exit
    cmp r3,#0xA0
    bgt Exit
    add r2,#8
    ldr r2,[r1,r2]
    lsr r2,#0xC
    cmp r2,#0x20
    blt Exit
    cmp r3,#0xA0
    bgt Exit
    lsr r3,#1
    lsr r2,#1
    sub r3,#0x10
    sub r2,#0x10
    mov r0,#0
    mov r4,#0
    cmp r3,#16
    blt Divide2
    sub r3,#16
    add r0,#1
    b Divide1
    cmp r2,#16
    blt Finish
    sub r2,#16
    add r4,#1
    b Divide2
    @r0 holds y box #0x200
    @r4 holds x box #0x800
    @r3 holds column #0x2
    @r2 holds row #0x20
    lsl r3,#1
    mov r1,#0x20
    mul r2,r1
    lsl r1,#4
    mul r0,r1
    lsl r1,#2
    mul r4,r1
    ldr r1,Map
    add r1,r4
    add r1,r0
    add r1,r2
    add r1,r3
    mov r4,r1
    @[texttoItem] = r5
    ldr r1, Text
    mov r5,#0x0
    mov r0,#0xC
    mov r2,#0xF
    ldrb r3,[r1]
    add r1,#0x1
    cmp r3,#0x3A
    blt number
    add r3,#0x9
    and r3,r2
    lsl r3,r0
    add r5,r3
    sub r0,#0x4
    bpl loop
    strh r5,[r4]
    bx lr
    .long 0x21C6DEC
    .long 0x21EED6C
    .long 0x21E3124
    .long 0x22AF136
    Credit to Toenailed for the Text to item routine, I'll add my own later but I was just lazy and really wanted to make sure it worked before I went to bed

    Compiled AR code:
    94000130 FCFF0000
    023FF090 012FFF11
    E0000000 00000098
    E28F2001 E12FFF12
    6809491F 00D222A9
    588B4252 2B200B1B
    2BA0DB34 3208DC32
    0B12588A DB2D2A20
    DC2B2BA0 0852085B
    3A103B10 24002000
    DB022B10 30013B10
    2A10E7FA 3A10DB02
    E7FA3401 2120005B
    0109434A 00894348
    490D434C 18091909
    18C91889 490B1C0C
    200C2500 780B220F
    2B3A3101 3309DB00
    40834013 380418ED
    8025D5F5 00004770
    021C6DEC 021EED6C
    021E3124 022AF136
    023FF090 E3520003
    D2000000 00000000
    (021EED6C is in there so I can make it work in player houses later)

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to dragonboy269 For This Useful Post:

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