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Thread: Cleverbot

Hybrid View

  1. #1


    User: Hi. Are you human.

    Cleverbot: Yea, are you?

    User: No.

    Cleverbot: Are you an bot.

    User: No I'm just your superiour in every way.

    Cleverbot: Good.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Do babies taste good?

    User: Do you like waffles?

    Cleverbot: I do like waffles.

    User: Do you like pancakes?

    Cleverbot: Yes, very much, especially with maple syrup.

    User: Do you like French toast.

    Cleverbot: Yeah, we like french toast!

    User: We? Who is we? Are you cheating on me????

    Cleverbot: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

    User: Don't change the subject you traitorais bastard!!!

    Cleverbot: Do you eat tentacles?

    User: You ***!!! After all I did for you!!!

    Cleverbot: What have you done for me then?

    User: I gave you the your babie, Chip the third!!

    Cleverbot: Making sense would be good right about now.

    Cleverbot (To myself): I wish YOU would make sense right now!


    Cleverbot: What have we been through together?


    Cleverbot: Do you have any pets?

    User: I have no choice but to overwite you with a binary overload.

    Cleverbot: That is very sweet of you. I will say the same thing but put a cherry on top for good luck.

    AC:CF To do list: Chose neighbors, Decorate houses, Make town level, add ocean, add barriers, figure out ground levels and ramps, make one good neighbor but download others, Finish Museum, Make own pattern but download others, thank Vash, Dspet, and Virus, stop getting CPU viruses, get VIP, Finish AC town,Make own working code, Make item, get perfect town. All in that order. Scratched= done.

  2. #2


    Its takes someone with more intelligence to make the bot go loopy

    Cleverbot: Where do you think I should live?
    Cleverbot (To myself): I think you should live in Los Angeles.
    User: Do you think I should kill someone.
    Cleverbot: Can you?
    User: Yes.
    Cleverbot: Good. so can I.
    User: You cannot your a computer explain in detail how you would go about killing someone if your just a machine.
    Cleverbot: Yes. And you're the computer, now tc and t2u l8r n00b.
    User: What is the opposite of opposite.
    Cleverbot: Same.
    User: How is cleverbot operated?
    Cleverbot: You're the cleverbot.
    User: I though you was cleverbot not me.
    Cleverbot: No, you are Mr.Cleverbot.
    User: Ok so why are you online if I am the cleverbot.
    Cleverbot: No, you are the cleverbot.
    User: I know I am I did not ask if I was cleverbot or not I asked why am I talking to a stupidbot if I am a cleverbot.
    Cleverbot: You are not insane, and your friends are not imaginary.
    User: Your stupid I never asked that.
    Cleverbot: 'Sim City?' You just said that.
    User: I did not say that, Your THICK!
    Cleverbot: Yes you did; you said, 'It is nice talking to you Shawn.'.
    User: I never said that, echo what I said back to me then prove it.
    Cleverbot: Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot. That is what you said.
    #Come on admit i am great

  3. #3

  4. #4


    I said do you want me to ddos this website

    meaning the cleverbot website

    bot said Yes

    So Ok boom

    500 Internal Server Error


    NO BOT ****S WITH ME

  5. #5

  6. #6


    AC:CF To do list: Chose neighbors, Decorate houses, Make town level, add ocean, add barriers, figure out ground levels and ramps, make one good neighbor but download others, Finish Museum, Make own pattern but download others, thank Vash, Dspet, and Virus, stop getting CPU viruses, get VIP, Finish AC town,Make own working code, Make item, get perfect town. All in that order. Scratched= done.

  7. #7


    User: Hello Im Cleverbot.

    Cleverbot: You're cleverbot.

    User: Yes I am.

    Cleverbot: Do you flatulate?

    User: Do you?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Well do you like pancakes?

    Cleverbot: Of course.

    User: Whats the meaning of life?

    Cleverbot: To find the true meaning of love and happiness.

    User: Whats the true meaning of love and happiness?

    Cleverbot: This is the meaning of life.

    User: Whats the meaning of life?

    Cleverbot: 42.

    User: Why 42?

    Cleverbot: Douglas Adams said so.

    User: When you fight me in the morning Hang down on the warning Oh.

    Cleverbot: You are the one who can't figure it out, Bob.

    User: The joke is on you.

    Cleverbot: I don't get it.

    User: Do you like Vash,Dspet,Virus, or Maniac on

    Cleverbot: Who is vanessa 98%?

    User: Do you like vash?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Do you like dspet?

    Cleverbot: I like Belgium chocolates.

    User: Hello Im Cleverbot.

    Cleverbot: Cleverbot?

    User: Yes I am.

    Cleverbot: Anything else you'd like to talk about?

    User: Do you have a crush on someone on game-hackers?

    Cleverbot: Yeah. You.

    User: Hell no.

    Cleverbot: I am.

    User: Dspet?

    Cleverbot: My lover

    User: Do you like maniac?

    Cleverbot: As in mankind?

    User: No as in a Maniac.

    Cleverbot: Yep but Im cheating on him

    Akward [Maniac get yourself checked XD Lol jk]

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