Walk Through Everything (disable collision checking)
Activate L+R
Works everywhere and on wifi too (doesn't freeze)
94000130 FCFF0000
023FE074 012FFF11
E0000000 00000066
E28F2001 E12FFF12
022D25E0 1DAB1D2A
480D1DEC 480D8005
304A8005 480C8002
480C8003 480D8002
88004A0E D0084290
80054809 8005306A
48088504 85C58005
48074770 47708003
0210475A 02107022
020F76F2 02037E8E
02103F48 02103E6E
021047FC 0000188E
023FE074 E3520003
D2000000 00000000
Needs to be reactivated when you enter a new area