> If you look in your folder with your RVFOREST.dat file, there should be other files, including a video file. ...
Thanks, I'll clarify that in the tutorial (ie. copy over a previous Extract). Same rules as using the other tools ACToolkit/PattView/NPC_Tool etc.
> To DSPet - What do the video file, and the other files, actually do?
The important one is FILELIST.DAT. The rest are part of the standard gamesave stuff inside the Wii.

> when i install my savegame (with the green lightsabre) and run gecko os with the code the lighsabres and the other DLC Items are invisible...
> Im form europe (RUUP)
I tested the RUUP version earlier. Check that the 'patch' command is uploading the proper patch_ruup.bin. Has any other RUUP user tried this (USB Gecko or Gamesave) ?