Quote Originally Posted by Omni View Post
SO this will be my first contribution to the NPC sharing thread. I hope you like him. He's a demon goat named Mephisto.

This is the final Mephisto. First picture happy. Second picture sad. Those were the only two emotions I could get out of him in his house.

So I ran into a couple of snags when i was trying to upload some of the other custom tonies i dled from here, and I think I have some troubleshooting tips, thought they may have been mentioned previously.

I used the model for Chevre or whatever her name is. If it doesn't load up right the first time (says there's nothing new) just change something arbitrary in one of the bitmaps with windows paint, save it, and try again. A tiny dot at the very top (first two lines) of the eyes bitmap will not show up after wrapping the character's head in the texture. try that. Once again, if someone already mentioned this, I offer up my appy polly logies.
This has to be one of the best NPC's ever!!!!