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Thread: DsPet, will you settle this once and for all?

  1. #1

    Default DsPet, will you settle this once and for all?

    Some joker on Gamefaqs (goes by the name of Invaderbenbob) claims that he created a Grass seed, and had your help with it.

    While I know that isn't true, can you please elaborate it so the people of Gamefaqs who are too naive will finally get the picture?


  2. #2


    Never mind, there's no longer any need.

    We finally got them to confess.

  3. #3


    FWIW: General commentary
    In general I try to stay away from those kinds of fights. Even back in the days of "AC:WW" people were claiming they discovered some hidden item. Some were lazy and didn't even bother to fake up a screen shot.
    Even after all these years, nobody has found a new item that wasn't on the original item lists (except for a few more 'not used' items)

    If someone finds something cool, and it is real, they will often post more details (like an item code, or a runtime cheat code). Then everyone can use it themself.
    If it is something real and dangerous, like the old AC:WW building seeds, I'd rather they keep it secret.

    If they are looking for attention, debunking them only keeps it alive.
    They usually have a lifetime of a few hours (and it looks like this one has already run its course).
    That may be a sign that Animal Crossing players are getting smarter ? ->

    Proving something exists is relatively easy (if it is real and after you find it)
    It is impossible to prove a negative (that something does not exist).
    There are rumours of a secret Marquee room (something to do with Marquee de Sade I presume). The rumours will never go away, and speculation continues.
    Last edited by DsPet; 02-08-2009 at 12:07 PM.

  4. #4


    I remember that.

    It was hilarious since I was part of the group.
    But only after when he told me it was a joke.
    AC:CF To do list: Chose neighbors, Decorate houses, Make town level, add ocean, add barriers, figure out ground levels and ramps, make one good neighbor but download others, Finish Museum, Make own pattern but download others, thank Vash, Dspet, and Virus, stop getting CPU viruses, get VIP, Finish AC town,Make own working code, Make item, get perfect town. All in that order. Scratched= done.

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