Personally, I think it's hilarious that a group of people wants to blame another group of people for "ruining" a game by adding content to it that they don't ever really have to obtain. How someone can just openly be vaccuous enough to get all worked into a rage over someone else's accomplishments, I will never know. But anybody crying and throwing a tantrum because our new toy is cooler than theirs should just go right back to daycare and leave the video games for people who can actually handle reality, and don't play games to escape it. Basically, I couldn't give a rat's patootie what a bunch of whiny puritans over at the lamest animal crossing community on the net have to say about what I do with MY video game. The whole concept is beyond absurd.

P.S. No offense to you personally, but I've seen that keyblade idea so many freaking times that at this point, I'd like to see it made, just so I stop having to hear about it. Not trying to be mean. I just don't like Kingdom Hearts all that much and I'm ready to stop hearing requests for the keyblade...