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Thread: "Hacked" DLC - the New Plan (comments please)

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  1. #4


    >what about people who don't have a USB Gecko?
    The proposal is that the first version will require USB Gecko for testing (there are a number of reasons for this, some technical, some practical). Quick turn around is important for testing 3D models (ie. the 3D tools will not be very good without it - it isn't going to be 3DMAX ;-). If working as a team only one person needs to have one, and they are pretty cheap.
    > And if they are in your game what will other people view in your house if the item doesn't have online capabilities?
    Like other local hacks they see their version of the world - without any item changes (eg: it will look like the stock graphics)
    Last edited by DsPet; 01-19-2009 at 04:42 PM.

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