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Thread: "Hacked" DLC - the New Plan (comments please)

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    You used my idea I suggested having people vote each month on the best item created, and the winner's item is turned into DLC.
    But anyway, what about people who don't have a USB Gecko? I'm getting one soon, but a lot of other people don't have one.

  2. #2


    I like the idea of the vote system so we don't have to see a bunch of people acting like the sky is falling because of information gathered by people who have no clue what they are talking about. But my 2 questions are, will you only be able to insert the items into the game using usb gecko. And if they are in your game what will other people view in your house if the item doesn't have online capabilities?

  3. #3


    >what about people who don't have a USB Gecko?
    The proposal is that the first version will require USB Gecko for testing (there are a number of reasons for this, some technical, some practical). Quick turn around is important for testing 3D models (ie. the 3D tools will not be very good without it - it isn't going to be 3DMAX ;-). If working as a team only one person needs to have one, and they are pretty cheap.
    > And if they are in your game what will other people view in your house if the item doesn't have online capabilities?
    Like other local hacks they see their version of the world - without any item changes (eg: it will look like the stock graphics)
    Last edited by DsPet; 01-19-2009 at 04:42 PM.

  4. #4


    I'd love to be a part of this team!!! Imagine that, I'm on DSPet's team

    But I start real work next week I mean I'm really really happy for getting a real job but wish I had time too to be on this team.
    Last edited by serenity; 01-19-2009 at 09:08 PM.

  5. #5

    Thumbs up

    great be more than happy get a new item every two weeks.. especially one we all vote on help make and finally release.... itll make the items all that sweeter.. ps i have a gecko, sign me up.
    Last edited by XAlucarDX454; 01-19-2009 at 06:50 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I have no artistic talent at all but luckily my girlfriend is an amazing artist, we could be a team XD I'll be the USB Gecko guy and she'll do the 3D models

  7. #7


    Imagine the look on Nintendo's face when all their slots are taken up and they've only gotten like 40 DLCs out (Nintendo's slow :/)

    And DsPet, for this moment in time, you are god. How does it feel? XD
    If you don't go right now and download Garry's Mod, Bill Cosby will look through your window at night.

  8. #8


    haha dragon with the right image in mind your artistic talents will shine.. it dosent matter if your good or not if you have a cool item idea youd make it happen... crummy looking or not haha

  9. #9


    Good plan, but vertex editing will only get you so far. Retexturing is about your only option for professional quality work without an MDL0 exporter or some kind of MDL0 tool.

    I'm not sure if this will help the process or not, but when Oblivion came out on PC, there was no exporter released by Bethesda that time around. Users were forced to create their own tools. In the early days, the crude workaround was a tool (Niftools) that allowed you to import .obj files into current model files (.nif) to replace the existing model. Niftools has since become much more advanced, but that's how we did it in the early days.

    Also, Garage Games has a Torque4Wii engine. As far as I know, you can only get it legally with Nintendo approval though........

    It's also possible the T4Wii engine can only do the standard Torque model formats (.dts and .dif) and that you have to send your game into Nintendo when finished and they'd convert it to their format.

  10. #10


    The Items me and my Friends want too make are mostly GoW 2 related

    Flame Thrower
    Dizzy Hat
    Carmine Helmet
    Gears of War Armor

    Megaman Zero's Helmet
    Zero's Saber
    Zero's Armor

    From what you said DsPet, It'll be like Hacker(s) VS Hacker(s)

    And is it still possible too make an item an animation sprite?

    Another question I have is that can you make the Shirts more bulker? (Bigger & Wider and more seeable) I don't know if you get what I'm saying.
    DsPet I really don't wanna make these Items too the open community, just my friends, So basically you can't really trust nobody? Maybe give it too Limited Users that wont leech it out.
    I just don't like the idea of if someone Wins and they have another great Idea the runner up auto chooses his DLC.

    Well good luck everyone, I currently have a 3 man Team =)
    Last edited by Zero; 01-20-2009 at 12:50 AM.

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