The downtime throughout the day today can be blamed on our wonderful host. That is why the staff here at Game-Hackers has decided to move to our own private server. We'd like to take this chance to say thank you to all of the members who donated to keep this site going. It's thanks to all of these members that we can make this move to our own server (including IRC, Ventrilo, Website, and possibly game server) and stop experiencing the problems that come from hosting companies.

Along with this move, we're springing another little surprise on all of you. We're changing names! Don't get all upset, though. We wouldn't make such a "drastic" change without consulting you, the members. We'll be opening a poll for you to decide what the new name for Game-Hackers becomes. If you don't like the poll options, post your own! If we like it, we'll add it to the poll for the members to vote on! Don't be shy. Start posting...

Thanks for all of your patience during this transition period,

-GH Staff