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Thread: EZ_DLC_Install V2 -- Version WEEN 10/10 (Final)

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  1. #18


    I don't know how much work it would be, but it future releases I think it would be nice if we had more control of the slots. Like, what if I wanted a red lightsaber and the guitar axe, you can't really do this with the current release. It might also be cool to be able to replace some of Nintendo's lame dlc with the hacked ones, of course I suppose you would have to stick with a similar type of item if you don't want to see all your friends coming over decapitated since you replaced the red pikmin hat with a lightsaber, or you would be decapitated if you replaced the lame Nintendo top with some cool mask, like ... a Darth Vader mask or something
    Last edited by tominator; 03-30-2009 at 10:02 PM.

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