> When will we be able to get the new items?
> http://www.nintendo.co.jp/wii/ruuj/iteminfo/index.html

re: Official Nintendo items
The Japanese webpage shows two DLC items. The Girl's day "updo" is available to Japanese users (March 3->15) via WiiConnect.
For hackers, you can get it now using the current version of EZ_DLC_Install.

The next release is supposed to be the banner (March 17->April 2) in Japan. Like before, someone needs to get one from the Nintendo server and email me a gamesave. I'll add it to EZ_DLC_Install (V1 or V2) and all the hackers can get it.

re: more hacked DLC items
Next week is the 4 month anniversary of the game.
I'm still working on some more interesting items (crayons are easy, swords are hard - tweeking 3D models is a pain and limited)