Quote Originally Posted by Maniac View Post
Lets use our brains here... if it replaces a sabre (I'm assuming it does.. really haven't looked) can you still see the sabre? HMMMMM..... (Sorry if I'm sounding like an *** here.. >.>)

haha come on think a little bit before asking questions

If you look here you will see that you can select a green cray on with a blue light sabre or red crayon with the red lightsabre etc. etc. (Click here for the exact image I'm referring to)

Also in the text on the page...

Hope this helps :P

I meant i already had a saber before i got the ez installer and i put the crayons in my pocket which i also had the sabers in.So everytime i open my pockets the game freezes.So i was wondering if i can have both in my pockets without the game freezeing?