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Thread: New DLC item

  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Omniferious View Post
    you almost forgot the Homebrew Channel.... That's a VERY important thing needed in all of this...
    Well, you don't need it but it makes things easier. You could just use the twilight hack every time you wanted to load something

  2. #52
    Member Brownie's Avatar
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    i already have all those. NPC TOOLKIT PATTERN. i use them all. I just tought and understood u needed the USBgecko to use the DLC TOOL

    also, when do you think you'll b releasing this DS?
    Anytime soon?

  3. #53


    As far as item collisions with official DLC go, couldn't we use a ridiculously high hex value for our created items (start with FFFC, then go down by 4s... FFF8, FFF4, etc.) to minimize the collision chance?

  4. #54


    When will the DLC tool be released?

    P.S. Great job guys with all the tools like ACToolkit and NPC Tool.

  5. #55
    J.P. (Global Moderator) Maniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brownie View Post
    i already have all those. NPC TOOLKIT PATTERN. i use them all. I just tought and understood u needed the USBgecko to use the DLC TOOL

    also, when do you think you'll b releasing this DS?
    Anytime soon?
    English. Improve in it, complete sentences help. "also, when do you think you'll b releasing this DS?" WHAT THE ****ING HELL ARE YOU ASKING. :] If you're asking will it be released for the Nintendo DS, no it can't even work with the Nintendo DS because it doesn't have DLC items.

    Say what you mean, mean what you say, and let your actions speak for you.

  6. #56


    ^ o.0

    DSPet, on DLC_Tool will editing the textures be similiar to NPC_Tool and i saw you had a rook instead of an axe, can you edit the textures of everything in the game? Even though its called "DLC" tool can you edit like any kind of hat, furniture, etc?

  7. #57


    > almost forgot the Homebrew Channel....
    Whatever works for you. HBC makes it much easier, especially with the system upgrade that deletes the twilight hack data.

    > I just tought and understood u needed the USBgecko to use the DLC TOOL
    If you can use ACToolkit you can use the other tools. USB Gecko is not required.

    BUT a USB Gecko makes editing some things much faster. NPC_Tool allows fast uploading of the texture data to change the look of the NPC. DLC_Tool will have a similar feature.
    USB Gecko is very inexpensive ($45 USD, less than the cost of the AC:CF game disc). Well worth the price IMHO.

    > also, when do you think you'll b releasing this (DLC_Tool)?
    > When will the DLC tool be released?
    My plan is for later this weekend. Testing over WiFi is the most time consuming part.
    If I run into more problems I may release a non-WiFi version (much safer to play with).

    > ...couldn't we use a ridiculously high hex value for our created items ?
    They don't go as high as FFFC, but that's the idea.
    DLC_Tool will support 15 "experimental" item codes (CFC0 -> CFF8).
    I'm still figuring out some rules to quarantine DLC data for testing (before releasing them into the wild, once in the wild non-WiiBrew users can't get rid of them).
    There are limits. There is only enough room for 256 DLC items total. So don't expect DLC items for pictures of all the NPC characters.

    > can you edit the textures of everything in the game?
    The DLC items work similar to other builtin items in the game. The stuff you can buy from the catalog and hold in your pockets. It doesn't include things like rocks, trees, buildings, etc.
    BUT it is possible to tweek some of the other textures and use them as new furniture items (eg: turn a 'rock' into a furniture item).

    > can you edit like any kind of hat, furniture, etc?
    There is a limit on the size of the 3D model and texture data.
    So far all the hat's I've tested will fit. Some of the larger furniture will not fit (obviously the rook fits). DLC_Tool will have a feature to import the data from a file and will reject it if it is too big.
    I'm still figuring out how to release this game model/texture data (since it is ripped almost verbatim from the game ISO).
    Last edited by DsPet; 01-13-2009 at 10:55 PM.

  8. #58
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    What if you create an item for a certain hex (lets say something random like, uh 1111) and it's an object that you hold in your hand like an axe. Your friend gets a different item for that hex, which is an object you place in your house, like, a cheeseburger (random again). Well, if you came to their town holding your item, would they see you holding your axe, or their cheeseburger?
    sorry for my randomness XD

  9. #59


    Maniac you're such a maniac.

    You crack me up LOL

  10. #60
    Member Brownie's Avatar
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    lol doz dis piss u off maniac?

    Yes DS, i ment the DLC_TOOL. Thanks for the answer in your oother post tho

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