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Thread: First official Animal Crossing DLC

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  1. #1


    Quote Originally Posted by herox View Post
    So Uh this item isnt already in the game for all of us? how do i get it now?
    (and other questions on "how do I get the new 'red Pikmin' item")

    In AC:CF you can download new content (AKA "DLC"). You need to download the new content from another player. It can be hacked, but for now (IMHO) it isn't worth the hassle.

    For trading of rare items I recommend the regular (non-hacking) BBSs:
    (even those folks got quickly bored with it ;-)
    IMHO the new 'red Pikmin' hat is boring. It is only yet another new hat. Not worth the hassle of hacking it alone. The name isn't properly capitalized.
    The cool part is it opens the door for 'hacked' DLC items. A green or purple or plaid pikmin hat would be something to brag about...

  2. #2
    J.P. (Global Moderator) Maniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DsPet View Post
    (and other questions on "how do I get the new 'red Pikmin' item")

    In AC:CF you can download new content (AKA "DLC"). You need to download the new content from another player. It can be hacked, but for now (IMHO) it isn't worth the hassle.

    For trading of rare items I recommend the regular (non-hacking) BBSs:
    (even those folks got quickly bored with it ;-)
    IMHO the new 'red Pikmin' hat is boring. It is only yet another new hat. Not worth the hassle of hacking it alone. The name isn't properly capitalized.
    The cool part is it opens the door for 'hacked' DLC items. A green or purple or plaid pikmin hat would be something to brag about...
    Yea i was hoping to do something like that haha >.> I have a question though, how do you decide what hex value it becomes? and what happens if one person has one thing as a hex value and someone else has another? o.o

    Say what you mean, mean what you say, and let your actions speak for you.

  3. #3


    Shouldn't the item download as the same value into every persons game?
    For all the Noobs out there please learn something today.

  4. #4


    Although I've yet to check the item, I just bought one for 400 bells from someone at Gamefaqs . I just want one because I want to add it to my collection of rares.
    The two's, the zero's and the nine's. Guess what it means?

  5. #5


    Just throwing this out there, but would it be possible to do something like
    206E23C0 00006E00
    42000000 90000000
    02E2EB22 0000AEB0
    E0000000 80008000
    to get it in your first slot? Or any other abnormal code not listed on Aibo? Through Gecko or Ocarina, I mean.

    EDIT: Nevermind, I tried it already. It made my game freeze 6/6 times. I just ended up getting one from gamefaqs. I guess 50,000 bells is hard to pass up!
    Last edited by BillGrey; 12-26-2008 at 12:50 AM.

  6. #6


    Hacking the item number in won't work, because the data for that item doesn't exist until you obtain it the "proper" way (get it from Nintendo or someone else)

    Presumably, the hex value for the item would be stored within the item data somewhere, but I didn't notice it right off the bat. We could create "custom DLC", but to avoid conflict with official Nintendo DLC we'd have to set the hex value to a really high number, or some other number Nintendo won't logically use.

  7. #7


    Ah. So what could, excluding $AEB0, $AE7C-$AF3C be? Like a lot of DLC hats? And as for the Custom DLC, that may be the best idea (if working) in AC:CF as of yet! And could the code be like 0xFFFFFF or something as a high number?
    Last edited by BillGrey; 12-26-2008 at 01:36 AM.

  8. #8


    > So dspet, how is the recompression coming?
    Slowly. AFAIK: Nobody has an (working) open source implementation of the decompressor, much less an acceptable compression/recompression tool.
    Even if I had that working, I'd probably wait a while before releasing DLC_Tool (for reasons stated below)

    OLD question:
    > how do you decide what hex value it becomes?
    That's in the "DLC" data along with lots of other info. The data is almost identical to the data for the built-in items, so a lot is possible. I'm barely scratching the surface of crazy things you can do:

    Eventually DLC_Tool will assign a 16-bit item code for any new 'hacked' DLC item. It should be consistent and placed in the gaps around the regular items (although that may not be critical). Hopefully I'll come up with a range for experimentation. Releasing a new item into the "wild" has more complications. You can't go back and change the number.
    BTW: The only official DLC ("red Pikmin") uses code $AEB0 which is in the middle of the gap between the end of the built-in hats/masks and the start of the built-in glasses. Time will tell where they put other 'official' DLC.

    > and what happens if one person has one thing as a hex value and someone else has another?
    It appears that first one installed in the town wins. The DLC is not redownloaded. This will be a problem if a hacked items collide with official ones. Also if two hacked items use the same code, the first one will win. Any updates will not be seen in towns that have previously 'seen' the item.
    I'm still looking to see if there is a 'version number' somewhere in the data or a way of forgetting a DLC item without WiiBrew (even if you get rid of all items in your pockets it is still in your catalogue and in the gamesave data).

    Another reason why DLC_Tool will take some time before published. We need to understand how Nintendo is assigning codes to avoid future problems (ie. this is tricky to do even with the best intentions, can be very dangerous if people want to intentionally harm towns).
    Not a danger for WiiBrew folks, since DLC_Tool will let you delete existing DLC items (as well as tweek them) for your town.
    For the larger non-WiiBrew community, there is potential danger (ie. the more powerful the tool, the greater chance for damage in the hands of 'evil hackers')
    Last edited by DsPet; 12-27-2008 at 12:27 PM.

  9. #9
    J.P. (Global Moderator) Maniac's Avatar
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    lol nice, and best of luck on the recompression, well if you need help or me to test anything feel free to ask. My best guess for the next item (Spinning top, right?) would be a gap somewhere in the item area, because its an item.. XD just a thought I'm sure you knew that but w\e >.>

    Say what you mean, mean what you say, and let your actions speak for you.

  10. #10


    Okay, this is weird... I left one of my test towns installed on the Wii for the last couple days. This town has WC24 disabled in-game (but not on the Wii). I went to inject the red Pikmin and discovered that the content had already been downloaded into the save file, nevermind the fact that this town has never come into contact with the DLC.

    Perhaps it was sent out already via WC24, but not yet officially sent to us by Nintendo? Or is this a side effect of me using Savegame Installer/Extractor to use like 5 different towns on my Wii? Can someone who hasn't come into contact with the item yet try to add it to their inventory?

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