Quote Originally Posted by herox View Post
So Uh this item isnt already in the game for all of us? how do i get it now?
(and other questions on "how do I get the new 'red Pikmin' item")

In AC:CF you can download new content (AKA "DLC"). You need to download the new content from another player. It can be hacked, but for now (IMHO) it isn't worth the hassle.

For trading of rare items I recommend the regular (non-hacking) BBSs:
(even those folks got quickly bored with it ;-)
IMHO the new 'red Pikmin' hat is boring. It is only yet another new hat. Not worth the hassle of hacking it alone. The name isn't properly capitalized.
The cool part is it opens the door for 'hacked' DLC items. A green or purple or plaid pikmin hat would be something to brag about...