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Thread: PattView AC:CF V3.0

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  1. #1
    Chris (Administrator) Vash's Avatar
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    Default PattView AC:CF V3.0

    This is my pattern editing tool for Animal Crossing: City Folk. It supports decrypted save files (RVFOREST.DAT). These can be obtained using Waninkoko's Savegame Extractor and can be re-installed by using the Savegame Installer.

    *************Download Here**************

    -Edit all 316 patterns (Players, NPC, Global, Storage)
    -Edit pattern name, creator, and town
    -Create patterns from images
    -Edit letters
    -Take pattern snapshots
    -Import/Export patterns for sharing with friends

    To-do List:

    Known Bugs:

    Any bugs or suggestions are appreciated. Please post them in this topic only.

    Pattern trading thread now open! Go here!

    Useful Links (for versions prior to v3.X):
    Anicro Desapro Download
    Anicro Desapro Usage Guide (ACC)

    Previous Versions:
    -PattView v2.1

    Want to edit your town, character, cash, items, and anything else you can think of? Use the latest version of Virus' ACToolkit.

    Want to edit your animal neighbors? Use DsPet's awesome application, NPC_Tool.
    Last edited by Vash; 01-12-2012 at 02:29 PM. Reason: PattView 3.0 Released
    Animal Crossing: City Folk
    ACToolkit - NPC_Tool - PattView

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