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Thread: NPC_Tool - Animal Villager Customization

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  1. #1


    is it possible to change things like how often they ask you to do a job? compared to the origional animal crossing, cityfolk is really bad about things like this...

  2. #2


    First off, what a spectacular and innovative program. My props to DsPet. I'm very impressed and will definately try it sometime soon. What a miracle that textures happen to be store in the game save! This is extremely cool.

    I'm also wondering, if you changed an NPC for your save file, is that change permanent? What I mean is, I changed Pierce's texture and then he moves out. When I get another Pierce, will he keep the changed settings or will he have his original?
    1. I read the whole thread but this question doesn't seem to be answered. Does anyone know what will happen?

    2. Does changing the name effectively change all instances of the villager's name, for example sending a letter?

    3. Will the character "remember" you if you edit them using this program?

    Thanks a TON.
    Last edited by Zathic; 03-30-2010 at 01:47 AM.

  3. #3


    Some old and new Qs:
    > is it possible to change things like how often they ask you to do a job? compared to the origional animal crossing, cityfolk is really bad about things like this...
    I don't think so. You can change the currently active jobs (but that is tricky)

    > I'm also wondering, if you changed an NPC for your save file, is that change permanent? What I mean is, I changed Pierce's texture and then he moves out. When I get another Pierce, will he keep the changed settings or will he have his original?
    Not permanent. The changes are for that one NPC only. If it moves away he/she will take his settings and textures with him/her. If you get another Pierce later it will be the default game one.
    (BTW: it is possible to have more than one NPC with the same 'prototype' - eg: Bob1, Bob2 which are both based off the Bob template can live in the same town with different textures, names and attributes; the customized name is used not the template name)

    > Does changing the name effectively change all instances of the villager's name, for example sending a letter?
    Yes. The customized name (eg: Bob1) is used not the template name. Any new letters sent will use the new name. Old letters will not be changed (in mailbox or archived at the post office); the NPC customized name is from the time the letter was written.

    > Will the character "remember" you if you edit them using this program?
    Yes. It is part of the relation database. Each NPC keeps a small database of HUMAN players it has talked to and some stats, including the nickname. This applies to all players (local as well as visitors).
    NPC_Tool does not edit this data.

    So if you build up a relationship with your custom NPC, and it moves to another town, you can go visit him/her and he/she should remember you. This is a normal NPC feature (ie. custom NPCs act the same, they just may look different)
    Last edited by DsPet; 03-30-2010 at 10:44 AM.

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