> dspet, can you make it so we can see who the npc knows and where theyve been or come from?
That was in the old AC:WW map editor (view/edit NPC relationships). I always thought it was a rather obscure feature, so I wasn't planning on it for AC:CF.

> I have a question about the recession thing on aibohack. ...Is this something you can do with the save like the NPC edits or is this a temporary/permanent thing loaded from the disc?
It is a temporary runtime hack (all special NPCs will look the same, until you remove the hack/code)
FWIW: I originally did it with USB Gecko, but it can be done with a runtime code.
Here's the code: http://wiird.l0nk.org/forum/index.ph...22171#msg22171
Use these numbers only: http://wiird.l0nk.org/forum/index.ph...22178#msg22178
Here are some better descriptions: http://wiird.l0nk.org/forum/index.ph...24000#msg24000