Most of the other 3D model tricks don't work over WiFi (did something similar for AC:WW )
If someone visits your hacked town over WiFi, they see the standard graphics, from their game disc (and their country scheme). Good for taking screen shots and bragging, not much else.
BTW: the view of your town is country specific. For example if a Japanese user visits your English town, they will see everything in Japanese. The signposts will be Japanese, the NPCs will talk Japanese, and even the name of Nook's store will be Japanese (the game disc has country-specific graphics for this).

The exception is the NPCs. That's the big change in AC:CF. Since the NPC textures (and names) are stored in the GAMESAVE, they must be transferred over WiFi to a visitor's Wii when they connect to your town. Visitors see what you see.