I'm not sure if this is a glitch but I edited my neighbors (I just changed the prototype and edited their personality to match their gender)
And now they only say one thing over and over and over again O.o Or ask me a question then repeat something 2314081234 times ;-;

Eg: I talk to Lucky, and he says "Check it out, Edgar! If I tip my head back I can make a snow cone in my mouth! Uh huh huh huh huh! Hey Edgar, do you know how to plant a jungle, Clover? I tried to build one around my house by planting a bunch of trees close together... etc"

From that point on, whenever I talk to him all he says is "Trees are like picnics, 'cause they're all about location, sun, and oodles of chocolate! etc"

I didn't think it was important to write out the entire message but the picnic thing he repeats over and over again... Are my neighbors really THAT boring? ;-; or is there something wrong :x I tried it with all of em and they all do the same thing.

Anyone else or is this just me? ^^

Great release DsPet =] Keep up the good work!