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Thread: NPC_Tool - Animal Villager Customization

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  1. #1


    Yeah, I've tried everything available, but it keeps complaining about the bitmap format not being understood.

    Tried MSPaint/PBRush, GIMP and Paint.NET. Running Windows XP. None of the bitmaps can be changed, saved, then imported. The tool complains.

    You might want to add this problem to the to-do list, to fix the bitmap incompatibility. I'll wait for a future release and hope I see some support. Great tool regardless, though.

  2. #2

    Default bummer...

    yeah it wont accept my modified bitmaps either....

  3. #3


    re: BMP editing problems

    Please start over, open a NVFOREST.DAT, press "Export Textures".
    Pick a .BMP and edit it with MSPaint/PBrush. Make a trivial edit.
    Try "Import Textures". If it fails, please email me the offending .BMP file ([email protected])
    Some people have had problems with defaults changing the formats on them. I'll beef up the warnings to give better advice to avoid the format changes.

  4. #4


    Question. I apologize if it is a dumb one. I would like to be able to edit my player in Animal Crossing City Folk to have a bald head. Can I use this program to do so, or is this restricted to the other animal characters in my town? If not, is there a program that will do this. Having a bald head is not an option that I can see in the game.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by odinfire View Post
    Question. I apologize if it is a dumb one. I would like to be able to edit my player in Animal Crossing City Folk to have a bald head. Can I use this program to do so, or is this restricted to the other animal characters in my town? If not, is there a program that will do this. Having a bald head is not an option that I can see in the game.
    No you can't use this program to do that. That's what NPC means -- non-playable character
    the closest you can get to being bald is a samurai wig (i think)

  6. #6


    I'm not sure if this is a glitch but I edited my neighbors (I just changed the prototype and edited their personality to match their gender)
    And now they only say one thing over and over and over again O.o Or ask me a question then repeat something 2314081234 times ;-;

    Eg: I talk to Lucky, and he says "Check it out, Edgar! If I tip my head back I can make a snow cone in my mouth! Uh huh huh huh huh! Hey Edgar, do you know how to plant a jungle, Clover? I tried to build one around my house by planting a bunch of trees close together... etc"

    From that point on, whenever I talk to him all he says is "Trees are like picnics, 'cause they're all about location, sun, and oodles of chocolate! etc"

    I didn't think it was important to write out the entire message but the picnic thing he repeats over and over again... Are my neighbors really THAT boring? ;-; or is there something wrong :x I tried it with all of em and they all do the same thing.

    Anyone else or is this just me? ^^

    Great release DsPet =] Keep up the good work!

  7. #7
    J.P. (Global Moderator) Maniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonboy269 View Post
    No you can't use this program to do that. That's what NPC means -- non-playable character
    the closest you can get to being bald is a samurai wig (i think)
    unless your mii is bald...

    Say what you mean, mean what you say, and let your actions speak for you.

  8. #8


    > ...I would like to be able to edit my player in Animal Crossing City Folk to have a bald head
    The game already has hats, glasses and wigs that you can use to change your appearance.
    Also try the *limited* "Mii" feature (put your Mii face on your player - but you will lose it if you put on a hat or glasses). Also check non-hacking forums for advice.

    Hacking note: More advanced texture editing is possible with runtime 'codes' but it is a lot of work and won't be visible to anyone else.
    This is unlike the NPC texture mods that are visible to everyone including visitors and the changes go with them if the NPC leaves your town. You can't do that with the DS version.
    > And now they only say one thing over and over and over again
    This is a common complaint with AC:CF. I think it is the way the game is written.
    Check regular non-hacking BBSs, for example:

    Please compare to a non-hacked town, and if you can come up with a major behavior change, please email me the 2 gamesaves.
    NOTE: the NPCs keep a database of relationships with human players. It is not being touched by NPC_Tool.

  9. #9


    DsPet I was wondering on did you just relink files in the ISO. I am guessing yet lol.
    For all the Noobs out there please learn something today.

  10. #10


    > I was wondering on did you just relink files in the ISO
    Even easier. Replace the sprintf string "/Npc/Special/Model/%d.brres" with "/Npc/Special/Model/##.brres", where ## is hard coded number. In RAM of running program (not a GAMESAVE hack).
    Easy to do with WiiRD with 'poke'. 'hetoan2' on another BBS turned it into a 'code':
    (see post for trimmed down list, there are "44" special characters with unique models, only a few appear to come close to the NPC models)

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