Quote Originally Posted by redsalb View Post
I tested the NPC tool, I changed Miranda into uh Bunnie, but the name remained miranda. So I got a Bunnie called Miranda.
Weird...because it changed the name for me as well. (plus I have both of them in my town. XD)

I used this tool to change Poppy into Lolly, and she is pretty much the real Lolly except for her wallpaper/flooring. Poppy's current furnitures set become Lolly's default furnitures set.

My another suggestion for this tool, can you make it so everything reset to default when you change their prototype? Like changing Tom with Punchy, and it will switch his personality from Cranky to Lazy, resetting Tom's house to Punchy's default furnitures, wallpaper and flooring set. That'd be handy.

Keep up the good work.