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Thread: ACToolkit v1.3 For Windows & v1.0 For Mac OS X

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  1. #1


    Yup, edit grass is your friend. Snow/Grass are treated one and the same in this game.

    Quote Originally Posted by batgirl7611 View Post


    Now here is my question. One thing I have yet to be able to accomplish is to create the perfect snowman. My problem now is that there is very little snow on the ground. Will the Edit Grass option put snow on the ground, too? If so, how do I do this? Any help anyone can give me will be greatly appreciated. I just want to be able to make at least one perfect snowman before the season ends.

  2. #2


    well you better hurry up with that perfect snowman today is the last day of the season

  3. #3


    Thanks for the info Fvnfish and Limepooh. I guess I better be successful today making that snowman.

  4. #4


    Possible feature suggestion: global checking... the ability to say, find all white pansies on map, then all get highlighted, and all can be removed or changed together. It would help in finding trees as well... other than having a separate graphic for each type of tree, a search function would help locate the right ones quickly.

    Improbable feature suggestion: coding the application to run as a Wii homebrew application, cutting the need to use the PC out altogether...
    Last edited by slipslide; 02-24-2009 at 10:42 PM. Reason: Stupid typos.

  5. #5

    Default some of the items

    Can anyone tell me the difference in grass 1,2,3?
    Also on the turnips it has A list of those too.. but no other discription but turnips
    Also I planted some festive trees and some work and some look normal.. kinda weard at first they all light up and then some light up?? any ideas

  6. #6


    The difference in grasses is the geometric patterns in them; IIRC, there's triangles, circles, and squares... if you don't like how your grass looks, change the type.

    For turnips, I see different numbers next to different sized stacks, then all the items marked "red turnip" -- that's a red turnip at various sizes, as if you dug it up after different numbers of days buried... changing its value. Is that what you meant?

    Finally, "festive" trees really are meant to be lit during the holiday season; planting them outside of season is probably confusing the game. As it was, when I planted new cedar saplings in town, some became lit during the holidays, and some did not. Guess the town budget for lighting got spent...


    EDIT: Speaking of grass... in AC:WW, I just noticed the AR codes to have "odd" grasses in that section of the forums here. Is it possible to have non-standard grass in AC:CF?
    Last edited by slipslide; 02-25-2009 at 09:53 PM. Reason: Edited post, rather than double posting.

  7. #7


    thanks for the info..on the turnips.. i don't see red turnips I see just turnip ..I planted some and they are red.. but my question is why so many listing of turnips.. but maybe they are different ages.. thanks so much

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