Much to my surprise yesterday, I learned the SD slot on my Wii is broken. My friend confessed to sticking an SD card in the wrong way, which is the reason for the broken slot. Here's where the fun began. I went to open up my Nintendo Wii with a standard screwdriver set. After digging around for a little while, I discovered the wonder that is the triwing screw. Anybody from the Gamecube days will remember this badboy. Now, I searched and searched through my tools only to be disappointed. I tried countless alternatives, even molding one from hot plastic. After doing a little research, I learned of the Husky 8-in-1 screwdriver set that is supposed to have a head that works on triwing screws. I am now leaving to search for this magical screwdriver...

Okay, so I found the screwdriver set at Home Depot. I returned home and got my Wii completely open. Where's the SD slot? On the complete bottom. I had to take apart EVERYTHING inside of my Wii. When I finally reached the SD slot, I realized there's not a lot to be done with it. So after fiddling with it, I went to closing the Wii back up. This was another hour, of an already 3 hour long journey. After the whole process was complete, I had 11 screws leftover and 2 rubber circles. My Wii lost a lot of weight today, and it's still completely operational. How about the main goal? I inserted my SD card into the very "iffy" slot, proceeded to the memory management screen, clicked the SD Card button, and just as I had expected I was greeted with "Nothing is inserted in the SD Card slot."

What a waste of my life...